Siemens Openstage 40 T User Manual
Figured on the OpenStage 40/40 G. Lines can be used as a Private, Shared, or Direct call line. Mobility (HFA only) You can move your phone user interface with most of its func-tions and properties (phone number, key assignment, authori-zation, phonebook) to another phone. The 'Home User' is deactivated and you may use this phone as. Documentation HiPath 500, HiPath 3000, HiPath 5000 OpenStage 40 T OpenStage Key Module 40 OpenStage Busy lamp field 40 User Guide Communication for the open minded Siemens Enterprise Communications www. Com Important information Important information Q For safety reasons, the telephone should only be supplied with power (required in connection with an OpenStage. Contact your Siemens sales partner for information on how to upgrade. This user guide is intended to help you familiarize yourself with OpenStage and all of its functions. It contains important information on the safe and proper operation of your OpenStage phone. These instructions should be. Siemens OpenStage 40 T User Manual. Download Operation & user’s manual of Siemens OpenStage 40 G SIP Cordless Telephone, IP Phone for Free or View it Online on Siemens OpenStage 40 SIP Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Siemens OpenStage 40 SIP User Manual.
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2.1. Function keys & codes
The service site (also refer to administration portal manual) allows you to program the following functions to the function keys (varies by phone model, up to 14 function keys over 2 levels):
- Assignment of the function keys
Standard settings (i.e. no programming): Local Loop
Incoming calls are indicated respectively by the first LED (set to local loop) flashing.
- When the call is answered the LED stays lit.
- If a second call comes in during this call, the second LED flashes.
- By pressing the key next to the flashing LED, the first call is automatically placed on hold and the second call answered.
- You can now toggle between the calls by pressing the key next to the flashing or steady lit LED. In this manner, you can make a total of five calls at the same time.
- Extension / telephone number
You can add any extension or telephone number to the busy lamp field.
- You can start a call by pressing the respective busy lamp key. If an internal extension is programmed, you can see whether that extension is currently busy:
- If the LED next to the key flashes, the party receives a call.
- If the LED is consistently lit, the party has answered a call and is currently busy.
- If the LED next to the respective key flashes, you can take the call by pressing the respective key next to the flashing LED.
You can add any extension in the PBX system and then use this function key to directly communicate with this extension through the intercom. The other party must have the intercom activated on their device. Intercom refers to a conventional intercom system (similar to walkie-talkies) directly connecting you to the other party’s speaker by pressing the assigned function key.
Additional functions via * codes
Entering various codes (as listed on the following page) allows you to additionally program functions such as call transfer to the keys.To do so, simply enter the code with the desired number in the entry field.
Siemens Openstage 40 T Manuale Italiano
Control codes allow direct access to the telephone system’s functions. The following codes apply:
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Code | Description |
**## | Restart devices, only for snom devices! |
#+n | Use outside line 'n' to call the telephone number ('n' replaces the “0” otherwise required to access an outside line) |
*1 | Start and end voice recording (if this function is enabled for the extension) |
*10+profile number | Activation of the call forwarding profile |
*11+TN | Permanent call forwarding to telephone number (TN) |
**11 | Cancel permanent call forwarding |
*12+TN | If not available, forward to telephone number (TN) |
**12 | Cancel call forwarding if no answer |
*13+TN | If busy, forward call to telephone number (TN) |
**13 | Cancel call forwarding if busy |
*14+TN | If not registered, forward to telephone number (TN) |
**14 | Cancel forward if unregistered |
*2+Speed dial | Directly dial the extension/telephone number via speed dial |
*3 | Pick up the last call ringing in the pick-up groupe |
*3+EXT | Pick up call coming in to the extension (EXT) |
*490 | Activate call waiting |
**490 | Deactivate call waiting |
*5 | If busy, automatic callback activated |
**5 | If busy, automatic callback deactivated |
*55 | Specify primary device within a premium extension (Premium Package) |
*72+nnnn1 | Call skill service nnnn |
*73+nnnn1 | Call eFax additional costs will occur |
*74+nnnn1 | Call time control nnnn |
*75+nnnn1 | Call group nnnn |
*76+nnnn1 | Call announcement nnnn |
*77+nnnn1 | Call queue nnnn |
*78+nnnn1 | Call conference service nnnn |
*791 | *791 Access voice mail for this extension with password *791158 Access voice mail for extension 158, with the password for 158! *11*791 Transfer your calls to your voice mail *11*791158 Transfer your calls to the voice mail of the extension 158 |
*792 | Access voice mail entering extension number, e.g. for remote enquiry |
*80 | Activate intercom |
**80 | Deactivate intercom |
*80+NST | Intercom to extension (EXT) |
*84+nnnn1 | Become member of the queue with service ID nnnn |
**84+nnnn1 | Leave queue with service ID nnnn |
*85 | Echo extension |
*86 | Block caller ID (CLIR) |
*860 | Show main number as telephone number |
**86 | Show telephone number dial (CLIP) |
*87 | Subscribe to Skill-set |
**87 | Unsubscribe to Skill-set |
*9+Project Number | Define a project number for outbound calls. (Note: The project number is only valid for the very next outbound call) |
Function codes for conference rooms during an active conference. | |
** | Help |
*2 | Activate or deactivate mute. |
*3 | Express your needs. |
*5 | Activate or deactivate mute of all participant. |
*6 | Lock the conference. |
1) nnnn is the four digit Service ID with leading zeros (0). For example, in a callgroup, IVR, eFax, etc. This means: is the Service ID '1', '0001' must be entered when entering the function code. |
Call forwarding to your mobile device number 0171 12345 with the function key 1
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Siemens Openstage 40 G Manual
- Push the Add-symbol.
- Select function-key 1.
- Enter *110017112345. (*11 for call forward, then 0 or 9 depending on the call number for external calls!).
- Then confirm the line with the function-symbol.
- Push the Confirm-symbol.
You can set another function key with *11 to deactivate the call forward.